Will it be costly to notify all victims about changes in their cases?
No. Marsy’s Law for NH is an opt-in system, so only those who choose to be notified will be.
Currently, victims of all felony level crimes and certain misdemeanor-level crimes must already be notified of changes in their cases; CACR 22 extends notification to all misdemeanor level crimes. Most police and local prosecutors are already doing an excellent job notifying victims of misdemeanor crimes because they understand that it is critical to do so. However, it’s important to provide victims with a “right” to notification – it shouldn’t just be a courtesy.
Efforts in New Hampshire are already underway to establish an automated statewide notification system for victims of crime, which will reduce staff time. Federal funding comes to NH each year to enhance notification for victims of crime and can be used to pay for an automated system and additional victim witness advocates.